

Beneficiaries of the amnesty decision by(15%)



Beneficiaries of the amnesty decision by(15%)
Directorate of Water outskirts Duhok Governorate
Since the issuance of the amnesty decision of 15% of the water rent loans by the Kurdistan Regional Government,the number of citizens is increasing day by day as they go to the incoming department to benefit from the aforementioned decision,Our directorate consists of four sub-districts(Faida,Sarsng,Kalak,Qadish)and four districts(Semel,Shekhan,Bardarash,Amedi),citizens in all sub-districts and districts that has been mentioned tend to pay water fees in order to benefit from the aforementioned decision,The number of citizens increases day by day for example,from(16/1/2022)to(2/2/2022)the number of citizens who visited the incoming department in all sub-districts and districts of our directorate reached(1197)and this number is increasing.

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